I remember when I bought my first piece of furniture. The purchase of that cute country gingham couch was so overwhelming, but I was overjoyed that I had made a grown-up investment into something that was mine and a complete reflection of my sense of style. As I grew older that couch followed me from place to place, through different relationships, and then as my style refined I had to say good-bye to that cozy gingham couch and invest again.

Just like investing in a car or buying a country gingham couch, the unfortunate but necessary financial set back from investing in your child’s career can be really overwhelming. From headshots, acting classes, self-tape equipment, gas for commuting to auditions, the list is long and there are a lot of expensive components to set your child up for success in this industry. Believe me, I get it.

My Daughter came to us when she was around 6 and said she wanted to be on T.V. We laughed, told her she was cute and changed the subject. She was so persistent that we could no longer sluff off her wants and realized that our job as her parents was to help lift her wherever her passions would take her. Lucky for us we were not unfamiliar with the industry and felt like we could successfully guide her through it. With that being said our wallets were overwhelmed by the financial commitment but made the mental adjustment to treat what lies ahead as an investment going forward.

We pow-wowed as a family, set ground rules, we made the initial investment with the understanding of whatever comes in monetarily from her career some of it must go out to enrich it. That meant she needed to understand that this chapter as a working actress was a business first and not just something fun to do on the side. Eleven years later SHE is the one who has invested. From headshots, acting classes, self-tape equipment, clothes, and so on. She has a clear understanding of her finances, a sense of pride knowing she is the decision-maker in her financial future and career. In addition, the weight on our pocketbooks has lifted.

As you move forward with your own child actor I encourage you to have an honest realistic conversation with them about how business opportunities are sometimes fleeting and the importance of creating financial preparation. Remember, your biggest investment is right in front of you. They are bit by the acting bug, fueled with the excitement for what’s to come and growing up way too fast. Hug them, talk to them, empower them, guide them, and have a sweet snuggle on your cozy couch.



UGGH! This Pandemic needs to be over! I am an artist, my friends are working artists, our clients are budding artists and here we all sit idle in the unknown. I have been hearing the phrase “pivot through the pandemic” often as I swipe through social media posts, and as much as I want to pout about everything that is going on in our industry I suppose we do have to do just that…pivot. Well, what does that mean exactly?

There are a bunch of ways to define pivot, but I’m going with this one: to “turn or rotate, like a hinge. When you are not talking about a type of swiveling movement, you can use pivot to mean the one central thing that something depends upon”. Huh…the last part of that definition resonates with me: “one central thing that something depends upon”. I’m sure we can all pinpoint something that we are dependent on, but as I reread the meaning over and over I realize that perhaps we, here at Star You Already Are, can be your something.

I know that the unknown is scary and sometimes we can feel stuck as we isolate. The arts is a compass that directs me to joy, escapism, and is my beacon of hope. Within my wallow, I have found that I am more resilient, adaptable, strong, and surprisingly thriving in so many new ways now that the mental clutter has dissipated. I hope that you too have discovered new things about yourself in the pandemic madness and have found ways to relish them.

So, as we move forward together I hope Star You Already Are can be your beacon, your something that you can depend upon that provides a bright spark. Whether it’s celebrating our client's achievements, an educational workshop, or an inspirational quote to remind you how AWESOME you are, know that you can depend on us. In the words of Ross from FRIENDS, may we all continue to “PIIIIVVVOOTTT” along together.